eüra video intercoms for businesses

eüra video intercoms can be purchased and used in an extended configuration for commercial enterprises.

It is often necessary to provide access for clients, contractors, and employees to the territory of an enterprise from several workplaces.

Options for expanding the configuration of the VDP series video intercom eüra:

number of monitors = 1 ~ 6;
controlled electric locks (number of doors, gates) = 1 ~ 3;
outdoor block intercom = 1 ~ 2;
additional video cameras IC-00C5 = 1 ~ 2.

In this operation option, the owner of the enterprise and the official responsible for security usually have remote access to control the video intercom via the tuya mobile application.

You can receive a price offer and place an order for an extended video intercom by email: GrandControl@mail.ee

You can install the video intercom yourself or order installation work from us.


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